Category: Human Resources

Strengthening managers' communication skills can help executives and cross-functional team members work together more effectively. Gauging managers' writing skills can keep an organization aware of its own strengths, able to grow, and ready to innovate.

Meetings sap productivity and morale when participants aren't aware of one another's diverse abilities to contribute to a project's success. Facilitation skills help managers boost productivity and morale. Many managers are surprised how active listening frees them up to "talk less so that meeting participants talk more."

Trainings on communication skills are a shrewd investment to help employees advance a company's goals and improve its bottom line. Write It Well offers four guides to help corporate trainers lead dynamic workshops to improve writing skills.

Trainings on performance reviews are a shrewd investment to help managers advance company goals and improve the bottom line. Write It Well offers a guide with scripts to help corporate trainers lead dynamic workshops on clear performance objectives.